The Evolution Program

Treatment Stages

Treatment Stages

Assessment for suitability

Our comprehensive assessment process ensures that you are medically and psychologically suitable for Evolution Enhanced Therapy according to the clinical criteria that we must abide by and the clinician’s professional assessment. There are some exclusion criteria for our therapy program.

You will need to see your GP to complete some physical health checks and provide us with information from your GP about any diagnoses or health conditions that you may have. We then start the process of ensuring that you meet the criteria for participation in assisted therapy in Australia. We have an extensive process of psychological assessment that involves completing a series of questionnaires and a phone consultation. The results of those assessments are then reviewed by one of our clinical team and you will be contacted by our team to give you the outcome of the assessment of eligibility.

For the actual Enhanced therapy program, you must have an ongoing therapist that will continue to see you after the program is completed. You will also need to be carefully weaned off all psychiatric medications under supervision, to commence our program. 

Preparation sessions

Psychological preparation for therapy involves three psychotherapy sessions. As part of this preparatory stage, you will work with both a psychiatrist and therapist to determine your intentions for therapy, address hopes and fears, and build trust with the therapeutic team who will be participating in the therapy and will support you. You will learn more about what to expect and ways of remaining open and curious to whatever arises. You may have challenging experiences during the therapy and during the preparation sessions you will learn ways of managing those experiences and about the kind of support your therapist can provide. Your therapist will work with you to identify goals for our therapy. Therapy is supported by a program of integration sessions where you will work with your therapist to reflect on and process your experiences and start the process of recovery.


Integration sessions

Participants are required to attend three psychotherapy Integration sessions to integrate any insights, experiences or realisations gained during the therapy. These sessions are a vital component of the treatment process. The goal is to facilitate new meaning-making and adaptive information that can be translated into new ways of behaving, feeling, thinking or experiencing the world, as well as processing any difficult experiences.

Psychotherapy plays a crucial role in enhanced therapy programs as therapy experiences can range from pleasant and mystical to distressing and confusing.

Important things to consider:

The therapy program is a complete process and takes approximately 12 weeks to complete. Participation in the entire program including post treatment questionnaires is essential, except in rare cases where it is determined that it is not in the best interests of the patient to continue.

Assisted therapy is designed facilitate the start of a process of change that is continued by the patient following completion of the program. The actual benefit of the program may not be fully realised for many months afterwards and relies on continued effort on the part of the patient. At the conclusion of treatment it is strongly suggested that ongoing psychological therapy as well as lifestyle and behavioural change be continued to enhance the treatment effects.

The process of assisted therapy can be very emotionally and psychologically demanding and intense and some people may find that they do not tolerate the experience of assisted therapy easily. This therapy is not an experience that is suitable for everyone. Although research has shown positive results for the efficacy of intensive assisted therapy, no treatment will work for every person and results will vary significantly between individuals.

Contact us for more detailed information about the assessment process and therapy program and to find out if this therapy is right for you.