About Us

Associate Professor Ranil Gunewardene and Dr Bernadette Bywater came together with a shared vision of providing therapy that is innovative, safe and effective.

Associate Professor Gunewardene and Dr Bywater have been providing mental health treatments for over 20 years. During that time they have observed the need for new and innovative ways to help the people for whom traditional treatments were inadequately effective. So together they began Evolution MET to offer innovative, high quality mental health care in a safe and ethical environment. 

Evolution MET has drawn together a group of experienced psychiatrists and psychologists with a shared interest in delivering medicine enhanced therapy and a dedication to high professional standards and quality, ethical mental health care. Every member of the Evolution MET team brings demonstrated skills and experience in mental health treatment and additional training and experience in medicine enhanced therapy. Most of all they are warm and engaging clinicians that bring authenticity and humanity to their work. 

Associate Professor Ranil Gunewardene and Dr Bernadette Bywater came together with a shared vision of providing therapy that is innovative, safe and effective.

Our program is designed to meet the highest international standards.

The program at Evolution MET is designed to meet the highest international standards for effective, compassionate mental health care. Evolution MET is well-equipped to serve both local and international clients, who have suffered from PTSD or Treatment Resistant Depression and who are seeking a new way of approaching their recovery and enhance their wellbeing in a safe, professional environment. The set and setting for delivering therapy at Evolution MET also meets the highest international standards of safety due to extensive specialist support services on site, available on demand and around the clock.

Evolution MET is the only medicine enhanced therapy service in Australia to be located at a high performing, major Tier 5, private and public teaching and research driven hospital. The Northern Beaches Hospital hosts the largest Multidisciplinary Public Private Adult Mental Health Service North of Sydney Harbour.

The Evolution MET Team - under the direction of Associate Professor Gunewardene - are involved in research programs, in collaboration with leading researchers at Macquarie University and the esteemed Professor David Castle, to continually refine our program and to contribute to the body of knowledge in the field.

Our program is designed to meet the highest international standards.

Meet the Evolution Therapy Team

Associate Professor Ranil Gunewardene and Dr Bernadette Bywater are supported by a strong team of fully qualified and experienced clinicians with additional training in assisted therapies. They bring extensive skills in delivering evidence-based therapies, demonstrated commitment to safe, high quality patient care and personal qualities of compassion and authenticity. 

Our team of therapists operate as independent clinicians consulting at Evolution MET. They maintain professional autonomy under the clinical governance of Evolution Enhanced Therapy and the legal and ethical frameworks that apply to delivering therapy in Australia.

Dr Ranil Gunewardene

Dr Ranil Gunewardene

Associate Professor in Psychiatry, Macquarie University

Dr Bernadette Bywater

Dr Bernadette Bywater

Clinical Psychologist

B.A. (Psychology), P.G.Dip (Psychology), Doctor of Clinical Psychology

The Evolution Team of Clinicians

Rachel Cotter

Rachel Cotter

Clinical Psychologist

MPsych(Clin). BPsych (Hons). BA(Psych)
Dr Bianca Crick

Dr Bianca Crick

Clinical Psychologist

Bachelor of Arts (Hons), Doctor of Clinical Psychology / Master of Science
Ariana Elias

Ariana Elias

Clinical Psychologist

BSc(Psych)(Hons) MPsych(Clin), AHPRA
Nicholas Neale

Nicholas Neale

Clinical Psychologist

Bachelor of Arts (Hons: Psychology), Master of Psychology (Clinical)
Mark Baxter

Mark Baxter


Bachelor of Science (Psychology), Associate Diploma in Applied Psychology
Sharon Stern

Sharon Stern

Clinical Psychologist

BSc(Psych)hons, MPsych(Clin)
Apeksha (Abby) Chadaga

Apeksha (Abby) Chadaga


Bachelor of Science (Psychology), Graduate Diploma of Psychology
Dr Danielle Florida

Dr Danielle Florida

Consultant Psychiatrist

B Med, M Psych Med, FRACGP, FRANZCP, Adv Cert Addictions, Certificate Psychedelic Assisted Therapy
Tobi Harris

Tobi Harris


Claire Gomez

Claire Gomez

Registered Nurse

B. Nursing P.G. Dip Mental Health Nursing P.G. Dip Psychotherapy & Counselling Trained in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy with Mind Medicine Australia
Aaron Skilton

Aaron Skilton


Evolution Research and Clinical Supervision Partners

Dr Vince Polito

Dr Vince Polito

Senior Research Fellow, Research Consultant

Dr Simon Amar

Dr Simon Amar

Clinical Supervisor

Taylor Beaumont

Taylor Beaumont

Wiradjuri Woman
Mental Health Nurse

Indigenous Cultural Consultant & Patient Advocate